miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009

Chill Factor 2.

I think that most people were stunned by the gig of Chill Factor. Only 'the lady who sells the oranges' wanted some 'paso doble'. Next sunday, 23/09, if the weather will be friendly, there'll be another session of excellent music. Reserve your sunday morning for it, you surely won´t regret!

1 comentario:

Anónimo dijo...

Hola!! We were working Sunday´s Market in Vergel and your gig there really livened up our day. I bought both your Cd´s and spoke a few words of introduction with John as he was packing up. Sadly, I will be on my way to Florida in a few weeks, so will probably only see yáll in action one more time, however the discs will be going with me. Thanks for the great day....Robyn and Richard. Javea.