viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2009

More pictures to come...

Thanks to the affords of Sue, we've got a great amount of new pictures. I'm getting them all sorted out, resize them, cut the noise out and all other retouch that will make them pleasant for the interested eyes.

The weather wasn't good that sunday. Rain poured nearly everywhere but in Vergel. As a result we had half the amount of stalls and less crowd than usual. Anyway, Sue and Paul did well with sales, as did Alan who looks very dreamy on the pictures to come.

I think that I'll sort out all the incoming pictures in albums with a theme, to avoid the blog looking to messy. Probably it will be as follows: People (vendors, public, staff), Items (for sale), Views (entire stalls, lanes and anything worth exposing) and Animals (visiting the rastro).
It's quite a job, so be patient please!

Para los lectores españoles y de otras nacionalidades: Google ofrece traducción online. Voy a usar diferentes idiomas por el momento, según el humor que tengo. Algún día habrá, quizás, aportaciones en unas cuantas idiomas... 

1 comentario:

sabinaheywood dijo...

Wow! what an impressive site! The photos are fantastic! and lots of interesting items to read about, maps and details are all provided. I think more people should visit this blog.

I look forward to the new added details!

From: English 'Lady In Red' ;)