lunes, 11 de enero de 2010

Our first contest...

 I suddenly got the inspiration to organize a contest (dued to the flu?).

It goes as follows:

Vote the picture of the day (untill the end of the next day) and the person that is the nearest to the average of all votes, is the winner of the day.

Than, the contest goes on untill the end of january. The final winner will be the person with the best average; so you better vote every picture to get a real chance to win.

Tomorrow I'll tell you what the award will be (I'm quite sure that you'll like it.)

How participate. Just send an email to with the following details:

Contest Picture of the Day. The number of the picture you're voting and a number from 0 to 10 of your appreciation of that picture. (0= very bad, 10 is excellent).

You got it? Just ask me for more details if there's some doubt left.

So, Foto 1, which I put yesterday evening, can be voted untill the end of today. Okay?

Alice Cooper - Elected (live)

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